Obstacles and mud: Mud Masters 2023
On Sunday, 18 June, almost 40 IBG employees from Neuenrade and Lübeck took part in the Mud Masters 2023 on the grounds of Herdringen Castle in Arnsberg. In the best weather and highly motivated, we once again rocked this team sports event!
In small and large groups, our employees, grinning broadly, jumped into mud holes, daringly dived through pools of ice water and helped each other to get over sometimes spectacular obstacles. In the finish area we looked into happy "mud faces", the "Running Robots" team was proud of an extraordinary performance with a high fun factor - we thank the organiser of this extraordinary team sports event, our colleague Benedikt Brockmann!
We are looking forward to the new edition in 2024, watch the official "Aftermovie Arnsberg 2023" here!