Flexible process chains for thermoplastic, integrally manufactured FRP components with complex geometries
Web technology and automotive technology – how does that fit together? This ancient manufacturing technology and modern vehicle construction are brought together in a highly innovative research project. Here, plastic and carbon fibers are preformed using innovative textile and weaving technology and the finished body component is then produced in an automated process.
In this context, the 3DProCar project contributes to the development of flexible process chains for thermoplastic, integrally manufactured components made of fiber-reinforced plastics with complex geometry. The overall goal of the joint project is the simulation-supported development of these complex process chains.
The IBG Technology Hansestadt Lübeck GmbH is involved as an active partner in the sub-project "Design, construction and implementation of an automated preform process for new hybrid semi-finished products with locally different stiffnesses". Here, the development, technological implementation and validation of a fully automated preform and consolidation process for innovative hybrid semi-finished products with locally different stiffnesses is carried out. For this purpose, solutions for preforming using cooperating robot systems for the realization of complex forming processes are researched, developed and validated. The focus of the preforming system is on the fully automatic pick-up of the semi-finished product, transport, manipulation and targeted placement of the same, as well as a targeted draping process.
The final report can be downloaded from the Forel Platform website.
A corresponding video can be found on our YouTube page.
Cooperation partner
- Daimler AG
- DYNAmore GmbH
- DILO Machines GmbH
- F. A. Kümpers GmbH &Co. KG
- Lindauer DORNIER GmbH
- MAGEBA Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG
- PHP Fibers GmbH
- IBG Technology Hansestadt Lübeck GmbH
- Wagenfelder Spinnereien GmbH
- Institut für Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik der TU Dresden
- Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik der TU Dresden