Radar-based sensor system for adaptive correction of robot paths
Due to inaccurate positioning, industrial robots are only suitable to a limited extent for many high-precision applications such as machining processes. The aim of the Radarmeter-3D project is to develop an intelligent navigation sensor system for industrial robots that is suitable for the adaptive correction of robot paths. This sensor system should be based on at least three radar sensors, which use a-priori information about fixed targets distributed in space to take micrometer-precise distance measurements and use multilateration to calculate an exact 3D position value, which is then used for precise (better 100 μm is aimed at) readjustment of the robot position is being used. The advantage of using innovative radar technology is the previously unattainable combination of sufficiently high accuracy and low costs compared to camera- or laser-based systems. With its multiple international award-winning radar sensors, the Ruhr University Bochum holds the world record for extremely precise and absolute radar distance measurements by a wide margin. This new technology is now to be expanded from 1D distance measurements to a 3D measurement by using multiple sensors in combination with intelligent sensor data fusion and is a long-awaited and cost-effective solution to the fundamental problem of precise positioning in robotics for many precision applications (milling, grinding, assembly). offer. This allows robots to be used more efficiently in a wide variety of applications, since the many intermittent steps involved in manually correcting the robot paths save resources and the robots can be used much more flexibly. In addition to navigation, such a sensor can also be used to map and analyze the robot's environment, which will offer completely new possibilities in the future, especially in adaptive or cooperative robot scenarios.
IBG Robotronic GmbH takes over the specific work within the systems to be developed in relation to a user. This concerns the specific requirements as well as the adaptation in the demonstrator systems. In some areas, this also applies to the extensions of the CAD systems, the algorithms within the programming, the adaptation and robot integration in the demonstration systems, including application integration and evaluation.
Cooperation partner
- IGA GmbH
- Krohne Innovation GmbH
- Lehrstuhl für Elektronische Schaltungstechnik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Lehrstuhl für Eingebettete Systeme der Informationstechnik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- Lehrstuhl für Integrierte Systeme der Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- IBG Robotronic GmbH
This project is funded by the European Union and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).